An Apple and a Talking Snake: Man’s Tradition or God’s Word

The events that happened in the Garden of Eden have nothing to do with a talking snake and Eve eating an apple. Those are false teachings that begin in Sunday School, even though it’s not written in God’s Word. Many people never learn the truth of what actually happened. Can…

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God Knew Us Before We Were Born

Yesterday, I was having a conversation with somebody close to me, just chatting about everyday stuff like we normally do. Things got a bit more serious when we began to talk about the past; how we both had endured ectopic pregnancies and lost our beautiful babies. After a while of…

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Three Earth Ages

How old is earth? This is a fundamental question that we ask. And the answer we, as Christians, provide can certainly turn people away from God. Science, archeology, and geology have all proven that this earth is millions, even billions, of years old, yet many Christians believe and teach it…

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KJV Versus Other Translations

The body of Christ should not be divided because of which version of the Bible one chooses to study. whether you use the NIV, KJV, etc., pray and ask God for his guidance. It makes our Father happy when he sees us taking the time to read his word. He…

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Planting Seeds

Spring is a truly beautiful season. As the days begin to get longer and warm up, I eagerly anticipate starting my garden. Of course, it’s still too early to begin planting seeds because some nights remain too cold for them to survive. So I’m forced to be patient, knowing that…

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